Thursday, December 11, 2008

Maximize Marketing Tools For Business Growth

By Joan Marcus

In today's difficult economy, you need to find the most cost-effective ways to grow your business if you want to succeed. When you develop marketing tools, from websites to brochures, electronic newsletters to direct mail, maximize their value. Here's how:

Develop a hard-hitting message. Your prospects and clients need to know three things about your products and services to make a purchase: what need or pain point you address, your solution to their problem or need and what makes your solution better than other options. Summarize these thoughts in a memorable statement of 25 words or less. Use this message in all of your marketing tools as well as in networking situations.

Amplify your story. Your marketing message is the core of what you do and why you believe customers should do business with you. Your message should elicit questions and spark a desire on the part of customers and prospects to learn more. Amplify your story by answering these questions. Use this copy in a variety of ways, such as on your website and in brochures, newsletters, email campaigns, proposals and presentations.

Develop a professional look. At the very minimum, every company should have a professionally designed logo with standardized colors. You should have your logo saved in an electronic format that allows you to use it in email and other programs that you use on a regular basis. Your marketing tools - print and website - should complement one another, in message, style and color. Use the "cringe" test to honestly evaluate your marketing tools. If you cringe every time you need to use your logo, hand out a brochure or send someone to your website, your marketing tools need an overhaul.

Be open to new perspectives. Change is the only constant in life. If you are marketing your company the same way you were ten years ago, you are probably missing out on a lot of opportunities. While your core product or service may be the same, find new ways to tell your story. You will be glad that you did.

Copyright 2008. Joan B. Marcus Communications LLC

May be reprinted with the following, in full: Joan B. Marcus, president of Joan B. Marcus Communications LLC, is a pro in all forms of writing -- from website copy to grant proposals, brochures to electronic newsletters. She helps small businesses and nonprofit organizations achieve their goals by developing and delivering their marketing message with impact. Sign up for a free newsletter and learn more about Joan B. Marcus Communications at

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