Monday, January 12, 2009

Business Cards - Your True Blue Best Friend

By Mary Theresa McLean

What would it mean to the profits of your business if your business card became your best friend? You may find that it's possibly one of the smartest and most profitable relationships you'll ever make. If you use your business cards everyday, you already know what I mean.
Like a true friend, business cards love to introduce you to others.

As an example, have you ever made a great new friend and the next thing you know, they're inviting you over to meet their circle of family and friends?

Business cards do the same thing!

By extending your own friendly business card to a new contact or giving away the business card of a colleague or friend, that card is simply saying "meet my friend, Bill" or "Cathy, I want you to get to know Martha - the products in her shop will make your life more fun and by the way, she's been in business for over seven years!" or best of all "I provide a service that can help you and we want to earn your business".

Like a true friend, business cards love to tell others all about your good points.

You may not know this secret, but your friends love to tell others about you! Your "friendly business card" is no different. When you give someone your business card, it gets right down to brass tacks and tells the other person:
  • The fine business you represent
  • The great service you'll provide them
  • How easy it is to contact you

Like a true friend, business cards love to talk about the good things you do.

Business cards are just like a best friend. They love to tell people the nice things you do for others, how reliable you are and how just knowing you will make them happier and their life easier.

People everywhere get truly excited when they meet a first class, genuinely nice person who was introduced to them by someone else ( in this case, your trusted business card).

Best of all, people really pay attention to what business cards have to say about you. Often times, they'll ask for a second card and use it to introduce you to another and tell them about your good points. And rave about all the good things you do!

Business cards are downright friendly, wouldn't you agree?

Mary Theresa McLean helps people learn new ideas about business cards by sharing what she has discovered through dedicated research and asking questions. Find out more about how you can make your business cards more effective in your marketing at